
About Me

I am 29 years old, married and have two beautiful girls. My girls are "Gigi" (short for her real name!) and "Liddie" (also a nick name). I married my high school sweetheart back in '04. We have been together for ages and I can honestly say I married my best friend who is also my second half. The husband who I will refer to as "Cav Doc" (he was for 5 years a line medic with the United States Army in 1st Cav) is seriously my hero. I know a lot of people say that their mom or dad or husband is their hero but I can honestly without hesitation say he is my hero. He endured so much and gave so much and he still has a endless capacity for love and is without a doubt the best person I know. 

I like to think of myself as a wife and mother. I raised the girls alone when Cav Doc was deployed and I am a wife. But I am much more than that. I will always be an Army Wife. I endured months alone, worrying daily about my husband and volunteering and helping others in my situation. I am also more than just a mother and wife. A mother and a wife does so much that is what most women consider a typical day but how many people can say that they are a wife, mother, cook, teacher, doctor, nurse, seamstress, artist, pastry chef, groomer, hair stylist, laundry mat, plumber, maid, handy man, and I am sure there is more. I am so honored and grateful to be home doing what I do daily. 

I also love to read, write, be outside as long as its far away from flying bugs, cook, bake, craft, sew and play games. I was published with some classmates in a poetry book and have been working on ideas for stories and books for years. Maybe one day I will finish one of them!! I love to bake. I find baking soothing and a fun way to express creativity. 

I am almost done with my associates degree in business and hope to open my own business someday or teach. I don't really know which one I want to do or what be the opportunity I get. Whatever comes my way I am excited to see!